Page 33 - Junior Explorer 6. Podręcznik
P. 33

                                                                 Writing Time

          5  Read the sentences and decide where these
             English towns are on the map.
                                                                 9  Look at the pictures and write a story. Use the
             a Newcastle-upon-Tyne is in the north                  words below and the past simple. Write the

                of England.                                         story in your notebook.
             b  Bath is in the south-west of England.
             c  Brighton is in the south-east of England.              catch the thief    catch a train    give
             d  Norwich is in the east of England.                     get off the train    get up early    take
                                                                      run fast   shout loudly   smile happily

                             ⋅                  1

                                    ⋅           3                     One day                 First

                            ⋅    ⋅              4


          6    24   Listen to Susan. Rewrite the sentences             When                   Then
             in your notebook and put them in the correct
             order. There is one extra sentence.
             a  Susan called her grandma’s name.

             b Susan looked for her grandma in the
             c  Susan called the doctor.
             d  Susan called her grandma’s mobile.
             e  Susan ran to help her grandma.

            Play with Sounds                                           Next                   Finally

           7     25   Spell the words. How is their                          Forms Explorer
               pronunciation different. Listen and repeat.

               desert          dessert                              Historyjka
                                                                    •  Zwróć uwagę na zapisane pod obrazkami wyrazy
                                                                      określające kolejność wydarzeń. Podpowiadają
           8     26   Listen and in your notebook write               one, co zdarzyło się najpierw, a co później
               the words you hear. Spell them.                        i logicznie łączą ze sobą zdania w historyjce,
                                                                      sprawiając, że będzie ona spójna.
               1  there      their   2  knew      new               •  Zastanów się, jakiego czasu użyć i zachowaj
               3  sea          see                                    konsekwencję w użyciu czasu.

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